Taking a dump. A reference to Bear and the Big Blue House’s potty training episode.
“Where have you been?”
“Sorry I was talking to bear”
Make a statement which makes the speaker appear stupid or of limited intelligence.
Stop talking Rio son, the Earth is not flat and it's idiotic to suggest fans should buy their football club.
The act of swapping swear words for similar sounding words. Because of a study that went on for 60 - 70 years showing that if you swear in a lifetime you can die 20 - 30 years younger than the average life span.
Fuck = Fudge
Shit = Shite*
Bitch = Biatch
Motherfucker = MotherTrucker
Ass = Butt/Booty
Arse = Bum
Dick = Penis/Balls/nuts
Prick = Pleb
Retard = n00b
Dafuq = Dafudge
Wanker = Tosser
Masturbate =Fap/Shlick
Piss = Pee
Asshole/Arsehole = A hole
Slut,Whore,Slag,skank,hoe = Chav
Fucktard = Fudgetard
Also you can swap words and letters around such as:
Stupid Cunts = Cupid Stunts
Cunt Muffin = Munt Cuffin
Dick Biscuit = Bick Discuit
Cock Nozzle = Nock Cozzle
Dildo Rider = Rildo Dider
Pussy Jockey = Jussy Pockey
Although the last half is not proven clean talk and could result in premature death.
*not proven clean talk
The best sentence ever to be spoken during a college Title IX hearing.
Although one may be undetectable for HIV in their blood, they can be detectable in their semen since there can be a viral reservoir. You're Talking About Blood, I'm Talking About Semen.
Used to describe a person that uses suggestive language to ingratiate themselves into a relationship or friend group with no intention or willingness to follow through.
The phrase originated in commentary on viral videos of "Hawk Tuah Girl" on TikTok.
That girl sounds like a freak, but she's all talk, no hawk.
An ex talking stage is someone you used to talk to romantically but not in a relationship
My ex talking stage tried to reach out to me