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A crybaby bitch that streams fortnite and apex legends on twitch, Every time he dies to someone in fortnite he throws a fit and calls them a stream sniper.

Ninja reported me for stream sniping when I didn't do anything.

by ResetRBLX February 20, 2019


What the fuck did you just say to be you little shit, do you know who I am I will report you.

Come on go dance you stream sniper, oh wow you actually did, s t r e a m. S n i p e r.

Oh wow ninja is the best abortnite player

by ГошоГ February 23, 2019


A popular fortnite streamer and 2nd best in the world who died from ligma (a harmful diseases).

12 year old boi: You know the popular fortnite streamer ninja? He just died from ligma.
Caveman: Whaa..!!??...who tf is ninja and wtf is ligma!!??
12 year old boi: ligma fckin balls biiittcchh..!!

by Connor MacGregory August 22, 2018


Nigga or male friends.

This ninja is capping.

by Tititia July 2, 2021


An asian who totally kicks ass (like me).

Whoa! That guy is a freakin NINJA!

by theninjaofbeasts August 24, 2012



Watch ninja assassin you'll know what im talking about

by Aiden Diamond MCPSL February 1, 2010


Ninja is a phrase now used to label a person you do dirt with. It's roots are found from the actual Ninjas who would move in the darkness of the night, never being seen, veiled in mystery, also usually committing crimes as Ninjas were actually farmers who rebelled against the Samurais who were rich men, soldiers, and basically part of the Govt. Now the phrase is used more commonly to friends who you may be committing crimes with and crimes usually happen at night. If you commit a burglary then those affiliated with you could be called your ninjas. Of course, a lot of people just want to sound cool and use the phrase though never committed any crimes in their actual life. So the phrase has also become just another word similar to words and phrases like homey, homeboy and nigga.

I just called up my ninjas, we bout to rob them fools.

by PrettyBoy91 October 25, 2012