A form of sexual torture in which a man voluntarily cooks his penis and scrotum while they are still atached to his body. As he cooks them he adds cheese as a topping. When finished he sandwiches them between two buns and the cheese, buns, and skin are eaten off by another subject.
“Man my dick hurts really bad today, I did some grilled cheese torture and I felt like I was on top chef.”
Guy with super fat penis and fucks ur mom
Yo u being a junky cheese bro, get away from my mom
The pungeant yeasty paste that forms in the creases under the sagging breasts of post-menopausal women.
Old Lady Brown was out of yeast so she scraped a little of her granny cheese into her bread dough.
A revived or renewed interested in cheese, where concerted effort is made to explore and understand different cheeses and their use in cooking.
Cheese-aissances are often undertaken after a period of considerable cheeselessness, e.g. veganism.
Owen's going through a cheese-aissance, and they won't shut up about it.
somebody who picks smagma from their penis while you're talking to them.
stop being such a cheese picker
Gawk cheese is the substance that builds up on a mans penis after receiving multiple gawks (blowjobs) without washing his cock each time.
Sarah: “Is it true you gave Jack a blowjob?”
Natalie: “Hell nah! There was enough gawk cheese on that cock to make a lasagna! My eyes were watering!”
like a cheese grater, but uses the small grating part.
Dad: do you want cheese on your eggs?
child: yes, but I want to put it on
also child: but I'm going to use the cheese lesser, because that's easier for me to grate.