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green day

overrated pop band who get to much radio play and are adored by all. most green day fans include girls who think they are "goth" by wearing all black, and people who think they are punk, but are actually being flat poser by labeling themselves like that. not convinced that they suck? well recently they played in front of their idol ( i think he's in the clash). they left red faced after the guy said "i dont know who they were, and they werent punk"

wanna be punk/goth: omg green day rulz lolololol dookie lolololol im gonna go play green days shitty drum beats/ guitar riffs at home!!!!!!!!1

by b00jan August 22, 2005

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e.g day

the day in which you are not allowed to wear deoderant and you must have a sweaty fringe, just like e.g

everybody loves e.g day! the best holiday of the year, 15th May, or just every day because WE LOVE E.G SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH

(whilst hanging out a window) HAPPY E.G DAY!!!

by iamachicken May 15, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

green day

a really kick ass punk band. Billie joe is the lead singer/guitarest, Tre cool is the drums and mike dirnt is the bass. this is one of the best punk rock bands ever. they are amazing in concert. every one should like this band. billie joe is also very sexy!

Green Day is fucking awesome!

by klrlovesmv July 3, 2005

34๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Opposite Day

(march 27th! or so i've heard hehe.)

a day when "no" means "yes" and "shut up" means "keep talking" and etc..u do the opposite of what someone tells u to do.say the opposite things.blah blah blah.

a conversation between a girl & her boyfriend when theyre hugging on opposite day:

Girl: dont kiss me
Boy: *kisses her right on the lips*

by chass i licious July 7, 2005

45๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

green day

1. a band that used to be pretty good consisting of 3 kids who were pretty bored. One day they decided that they wern't famous enough, and sold out. They started wearing all black and eyeliner and started hating bush. Becasue that was the cool thing to do. Suddenly, a million 10-12 year old girls started saying billie joe was so hott, even though he is old and has children. Suddenly, Green day got a million new fans, all of which had no knowledge of their previous CDs.

2. A whole day of getting high.


Person: Hey, want to listen to nimrod?
Green Day "fan": who is that by?
Person:Green day, i thought yo liked them
green day "fan": i do. but they only have one cd... thats all they play on mtv

Haha.I had the best green day yesterday.

by kayla June 18, 2006

30๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

green day

punk rock band who are very telanted at writing music and playing instruments,they are NOT pop rock!just because it hit the charts that does not make them pop rockers! they are original stilish and individual,sure they should be remembered by dookie, insomnic, nimrod, and warning but theyre new album is realy good!

their music is about real life and politics not like these whinos who sing about 'true love' and 'shaking there ass' and 'how sad they are.'

most greenday fans stoped liking greenday after theyre amirican idiot album because they said it was 'to comercial' this is bollocks you would love theyre new album if it wasnt popular!

fred: green days drummer is tre cool he sure knows how to play those drums!
Me:yes,and because they have tallent it cant be pop music!
fred:got a fag

by sillouette April 10, 2006

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greed day

A band from the San Francisco (hippy) bay area, who put out million-selling albums recorded in the same lavish studios used by pop singers like Kid Rock rather than the dust bins that bands like Black Flag recorded in.

Punk looking band with a few cool riffs and some OK songs.

Extremely overrated compared to more innovative punk bands of the past (D.I., Dead Kennedys, Circle Jerks, etc.)

Greed Day isn't the only pop punk group these days that totally sucks, but they seem to be more conspicuous about their love of money than the average so-called punk rockers.

by Assex 776 September 15, 2007

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