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the ancient dance

A stage in a high schoolers life where you go out and make out with a girl. Basically the synonym for a makeout session. Used by pimps only.

James-Hey susan wanna try the ancient dance tonight?
Susan- Sure Jim! and i will s ur dub as well!

by the bwc May 7, 2006

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Turkish Dance

When two men decide to dance naked after eating a big plate of kebab.

Ey Mehmet, letโ€™s turkish dance after dinner.

by University of Belgrade December 10, 2023

Philly Cheesesteak Devil Dance

Another saying or phrase for 'sex' or 'doing the naughty. The Philly Cheesesteak Devil Dance.

"Samantha we should probably leave, my parents are upstairs doing the Philly Cheesesteak Devil Dance right now. It's nasty."

by ๐•ณ๐–”๐–š๐–˜๐–™๐–”๐–“ ๐•ฎ๐–š๐–’๐–‡๐–Š๐–— November 21, 2024

dance of thieves

A book.

A good one.

Itโ€™s actually a duology. Dance of thieves and Vow of thieves. A YA fantasy with queendoms and kingdoms. With sneaky and overpowering rulers with wavering trust and loyalties all trying to do anything to specifically help them and/or their kingdom/queendom/dynasty. And all of this adds to the plot.

The books follows Kazi and Jase. The two love interests and switch between POVs throughout the book. Itโ€™s an enemies to lovers trope and consists of betrayal with it . Itโ€™s amazing. Go read it

Dance of thieves was written by Mary E. Pearson

by Cora the Chrysaora quinquecirr July 9, 2021

one-legged dance

A slang term used for male masturbation.

I'm ready to kick my roommate out, I caught him doing the one-legged dance in the shower again.

by Nachtein January 24, 2012

whale dance

When a dancer is crushed by a whale while performing

"Did you hear about the guy that had a whale dance"

by Crime_Pickle April 16, 2021

permission to dance

"we dont need permission to dance" a line by BTS's song 'permission to dance', which means nothing can ever stop you from dancing even if seokjin says dont dance super tuna, why? because we dont need permission to dance

JIN created a new post ! : no guys dont dance super tuna... bu we dont need permission to dance, right?

by minstradamusd December 17, 2021