One who will often post status`s on facebook in order too get sympathy. They act like their lives suck, when really they have great lives. Facebook sympathy whores are whiny lil bitches who need too stop using facebook as their social diary. Sorry for misspellings.
Charlotte: I hate my life! Give me sympathy and attention! Wahh wahhh I hate you! Wahhh wahhh Ima go cut myself! WAHHH WAHHH WAHHH!! - depressing poem -
Freind: Whats up with you?! :p
Charlotte: Dont matter......:'(
Friend: Dont be a facebook sympathy whore.
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A person who (in their own mind) has made him/herself a "celebrity" on Facebook. Such a person has no "real life" and has made Facebook their only way of being popular, with constant statuses, posts and pictures since this is their only way of getting attention.
Q: Hey, have you ever met Celeste?
A: No, but she is a Pseudo Facebook Celebrity who constantly puts up statuses glorifying herself.
When someone forces stalking upon you by constantly updating their Facebook status. These are usually people who you generally could not give a shit about.
Oh my god! - Bro 1
What's up man? - Bro 2
I don't give a fuck about Jane Shmoe and her high school bullshit. - Bro 1
Looks like you're gettin' Reverse Facebook Stalked bro; sucks. - Bro 2
A phrase that is used when commenting on a facebook status that is simply too deep/depressing/personal to be put into a public status. This phrase is often abbreviated as TDFF.
"Meet me by the sea again
Past the point the shoreline bends
Where the sand is soft and warm
And hangs upon your golden arm
And time won't move at all
And time won't move at all..."
Comment: "Dude...too deep for facebook"
when someone brags inordinately for praise and attention on facebook
like this girl on facebook was talking about her $57,000 scholarship to some university to make other people feel bad about themselves
Person1: "She was totally rubbing it in your facebook."
Person2:"Lil bitch!"
If someone finds a random person on Facebook and clicks on a random friend, then clicks on that random person's random friend and so on and so forth, then the original person (the clicker) will eventually circle back until they find someone with a "mutual friend."
Bob sees Sally's profile. In Sally's profile, Bob click's on Terry's friend icon. After being rerouted to Terry's profile, Bob clicks on Jerry's friend icon...etc...until Bob finds a mutual friend. This is due to the "theorem of facebook circularity."
When you have a facebook account and someone, usually a signifcant other, or someone that wants to be held in a higher postion in your pecking order feels the need to post, like, or make comments on your facebook page constantly in order to "mark their territory".
Akin to a dog "marking his/her territory" like a fire hydrant with urine.
Dennis: "I hung out with Shannon the other weekend and we had a good time."
Dennis: "But, she's left several comments and posts on my facebook page since then, it's kind of annoying."
Jeremy: "Archetypal facebook fire hydrant my friend..."