The gambler equinox weapon of Balanced Craftwars Overhaul. As I am typing this it is not currently released
I love the gambler class, Playing Cards: Royal Flush is so awesome.
It's like Lizsie and Chris love
Lizsie and Chris are into big play small play
A word usually heard from 6 year olds playing gorilla tag.
An idiot: Do you want to play mini games?
A gorilla tag player who has a brain:SHUT UP NOBODY WANTS TO PLAY MINI GAMES.
Being very altruistic and self sacrificing.
I traded in my Trues for some Robins
He playing Batman, Fetty's gon' rob him
Inflicting pain onto someone in a romantic or sexual way
A ‘love-bite’ is a form of pain play
Intentionally inflicting pain in a sexual manner done for increased intimacy between partners, sexual gratification, as well as spiritual and emotional growth and connection, all pleasurable experiences
Very common in the BDSM community
Random guy- “I always thought she was an innocent Christian girl! Turns out she's hella into pain play”