Noun: meaning group of police officers (plural for police officer)
"oh shit run! Here come the snow!"
When 6 crackers stand in a circle and nut on a nigger and eventually turns him white.
Last Friday Dj, Gabe, Jonah, Orly, Dimas, and nick gave diallo the Alaskan snow cat. He was so white he became one of us.
When you snort cocaine and you cum
I was snow cumming with my girlfriend.
A white person who openly wishes they were black, a boot licker, a uncle tummy
Yo Shaun, you aint black g, Ahhhh leave em alone Joe, he just a snow whitey
A giant 12 foot snowman on the roof of Meattox Dr
Man, did you see that snow daddy on El Toro Loco’s roof?
When you cum in a pussy and keep going.
Me and the boys are going snow canoeing later!