A song made by some losers who texted lyrics to each other
Guy 1: "Wanna make some text music?" Guy 2: "Yeah!"
A music snob who will only listen to something outside of their comfort zone if they find it themselves. If you try and recommend a song or genre they won’t bother.
Always has to tell you some random fact about the songs you guys listen to.
Oh yeah, he’s definitely a music snob but not so much a bad one. I guess he’s a good music snob.
A term used to describe the full body experience of pleasure received by a particular song or musical collaboration.
"Fuck dude! That song was totally Musically Orgasmic!"
"Oh man, when those drums kicked in, I jizzed a little, it was THAT Musically Orgasmic!"
a insturment that the notes is made out of metal and the drum contains metal plucks called Pins to make the song of the music box itself
Ambience: Sankyo Music Box Plays "Rock-a-bye Baby"
Man: I Hear A Tune?
Woman: Whispering Oh Thats My 8 Month Old's ":Music Box (Insturment):" Playing
Man: defined Oh Uh Egh Okay
an alternative for one or more of the following:
1) Literally kiss me. I don’t think I've seen anyone as attractive as you before
2) I think the music you listen to is cool!
Example of usage 1:
Me: Hey what music do you listen to?
My crush: Oh you know, Clairo, Mitski, The Neighborhood, The 1975. Artists like that
Me: I like your music taste :))
Example of usage 2:
My friend: Yeah I just started listening to this new band. It’s really cool!
Me: Dude I like your music taste!
A female music artist who raised you while growing up
Nicki Minaj is my musical mother she raised me during the 4th grade
Walmart music
Walmart music - When you go to Walmart at 3 am after drinking a 24 pack of beer and eating an 8/th of mushrooms