Source Code

Text music

A song made by some losers who texted lyrics to each other

Guy 1: "Wanna make some text music?" Guy 2: "Yeah!"

by Loser226 December 1, 2019

Good music snob

A music snob who will only listen to something outside of their comfort zone if they find it themselves. If you try and recommend a song or genre they won’t bother.

Always has to tell you some random fact about the songs you guys listen to.

Oh yeah, he’s definitely a music snob but not so much a bad one. I guess he’s a good music snob.

by Smittysonian August 23, 2021

Musically Orgasmic

A term used to describe the full body experience of pleasure received by a particular song or musical collaboration.

"Fuck dude! That song was totally Musically Orgasmic!"

"Oh man, when those drums kicked in, I jizzed a little, it was THAT Musically Orgasmic!"

by DJBiznatch February 1, 2021

Music Box (Insturment)

a insturment that the notes is made out of metal and the drum contains metal plucks called Pins to make the song of the music box itself

Ambience: Sankyo Music Box Plays "Rock-a-bye Baby"
Man: I Hear A Tune?
Woman: Whispering Oh Thats My 8 Month Old's ":Music Box (Insturment):" Playing
Man: defined Oh Uh Egh Okay

by GTKCF2023 July 21, 2023

I like your music taste

an alternative for one or more of the following:
1) Literally kiss me. I don’t think I've seen anyone as attractive as you before
2) I think the music you listen to is cool!

Example of usage 1:
Me: Hey what music do you listen to?
My crush: Oh you know, Clairo, Mitski, The Neighborhood, The 1975. Artists like that
Me: I like your music taste :))

Example of usage 2:
My friend: Yeah I just started listening to this new band. It’s really cool!
Me: Dude I like your music taste!

by Nolan <3 December 15, 2021

Musical Mother

A female music artist who raised you while growing up

Nicki Minaj is my musical mother she raised me during the 4th grade

by HalesKarma October 21, 2022

Walmart music

Walmart music

Walmart music - When you go to Walmart at 3 am after drinking a 24 pack of beer and eating an 8/th of mushrooms

by Nicknameofanalias February 21, 2020