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Torture devices for your feet.

A: "Why don't you wear socks?!"
B: "They burn my feet to death!!!!!!"

by Aristar April 19, 2018


The cutest name for a dog besides whore-bug

Person1: What's your dog's name.
Peraon2 : My dog's name is Socks
Peraon1: That's the cutest name for a dog ever

by TheOnlyInsight November 26, 2021


An androgynous non binary persons first name choice

Hey there’s Sock, xe’s non binary.

by Nagito.Komaeda November 22, 2021


Sock=something to protect, cares, loyal, and takes all the beaten for the person they dedicate their life to

This socks really been through all lot for me

by Pewpew knigga October 14, 2019


A apparent eagles fan, who makes an abundant amount of noise when speaking. Similar to skip bayles, he's talks a lot but says a little, which is discredited by stats and facts.

Guy 1: Hey the eagles will win the Super Bowl and my fantasy team is good. Guy 2: dude you sound like sock

by Socking September 17, 2014


a fucking foot blanket

Put your sock on

by Rob1423 February 22, 2018


Specifically, twinks that are exchanged for sex just as frequently as socks. This can be used for any type of person as well.

It's sad to bring your sock to dinner after use, just get a new one.

by Rabidchimichanga May 9, 2016