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Cutting Crumbs

To perform a task that has no meaning or purpose to do

Friend 1: what are you doing?
Friend 2: balancing a clothing hanger’s tip on a nail
Friend 1: …you’re really cutting crumbs here, dude

by Your Everyday Plinko Board July 17, 2024

That Jaden Cut

When You got the receding hairline of a 50 yr old person who works the night shift

Damn that dude Enix got that jaden cut

by Himology July 4, 2024

Cut, with a gut

At the gym, guys like my wonderful husband-of-a-certain-age: work out enough to be cut, and still have a gut. God love their shapely upper arms. They're taking care of themselves.

There's a lot of cute guys at the gym - OK, some are only cut, with a gut.

by Jane Zealand November 20, 2010

Daddy Cut Wood

A situation where the father takes care of business with his daughter. Including molestation, punishment, and control in the family unit to keep any sticky situation from being exposed to others. Could include physical abuse up to serious injury including death in extreme cases. Cases usually happen in less populated areas.

Upon discussion with True Crime aficionados..."That sounds like a daddy cut wood situation!"

by Joco Sleuth January 10, 2018

Pankey cut

A man with a buzzcut that is good at poker, good looking, and a math genius.

Oh man that pankey cut looks great

by Teamadam69 March 2, 2020

2 much cut

jacking off to the point where you chaff your dick open

Yo, i can't go back to you porn i got another 2 much cut

Dude i got find a girlfriend these 2 much cuts are killing me.

Dude i was getting on a girl last night till she called me out for having a 2 much cut.

by Mike Swanson aka DJ burn pizza September 8, 2008

1👍 2👎

cut slut

a female, typically white cis, who cuts themselves for attention and will let any sympathetic bystander into their pants

"Bro, you really gotta stop messing around with that cut slut, you know she's not stable."

by adamsandlerballsack23 March 29, 2024