I popular OHV riding trail in an Oregon OHV park that has been named as far back as the 1970's, that has only now been questioned of it's definition. The original way of travel is south, to north.
Did you hear the dunner got into a head on collision on the One Way Trail?
Cool, Like IN An Obiden Kinda Way: soemthing that is considered dorky, stupid, oofish, nonsensical, fake, carless, politics
The cost increase ws hated by all, but in front of the news cameras someone referred to them as: Cool, Like In An Obiden Kinda Way!
Hey those $12 McMeals that used to cost $6.50 just 3 years are Cool, Like An Obiden Kida Way, yeah like same with being in 4 foreign wars nobody gives a shit about!
During a three way(usually two guys, one girl), the two end members place a Bablade arena on the back or stomach of the middle member, and play a game of Bablade
Me and Tom were fucking Jessica and then we did the ol' Three-Way Bablade.
you have to much time get a job
you have way to much time get a job
An Asian parent who is against their children being homosexual
“Go back into the closet”, said Wai Yew Geh
when something unbelievable happens
person 1: I fucked your mom
person 2: anur way