Runnin from the "Trap" is when you are trying to escape societies or your parents expectations of you and not giving a fuck what people think about your dreams and goals no matter how big they are.
Tyren: Yo why is that kid acting so weird and so quiet all of a sudden?
YungGat: Boy he runnin from the trap
When you and/or your sexual other Is so exhausted from cumming and you have to stop because you have no moore fluid in your body and/or can not physically continue doing sex.
After Aaron's 6th & Megan's 9th orgasm of the night they were done from cum.
Me to dara
Me: I am you but from the future
Dara: O_o
Me: :D
Never in the office because she’s actually a troll who has a bridge to guard.
Have you met that condescending squidbilly? She’s such a Sam from Disregard!
See: cucker
When your parents watch each other fuck their own lovers and their newly conceived children end up being together.
P1: You see that girl over there? You don't want to know about her family tree.
P2: She's on her way to fulfilling the fucker from another cucker family legacy, that's for sure
A strange being who play rocket league
Micheal from eldo weird
Like "the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree", but the parent is a douchebag and the child is one too.
Man 1: Look at that little brat stealing candy while his dad’s screaming at the cashier for a refund.
Man 2: Shit doesn’t fall far from the ass.