The state of being unfathomably unintelligent that it causes other people's brains to enter into an irreversible sequence of chaos where neurons begin to fight themselves and burn key braincells down until your brain becomes as dumb or dumber than the original person who is painfully stupid thereby telekineticly spawning painful stupidity into the minds of others, with the precision of lightning. Sponge Bob is a classic cartoon example of this when he forgot his name at the restaurant.
Guy 1: if I jump off of this cliff then I will be able to grow wings and fly back to the top of the cliff.
Guy 2: brain tries to process painfully stupid idea... Fails
Guy 2: I'll join you bro.
Guy 1&2: both are now dead at the bottom of cliff
2👍 1👎
Cant fix stupid means exactly what it says. You can not fix stupid people.
Hey there did you see what he just did you cant fix stupid .
When a group of people share beliefs contrary to the viewpoints of the majority and still belief they are right.
Donald Trump supports are the same kind of stupid.
Okay what is a stupid arrogant?
Basically, a stupid arrogant is someone he knows that he is not knowledgeable about a particular topic but he is arrogant not wanting to ask those who are knowledgeable. He felt he was so smart and ingenious that he felt no need to ask those who knew. He thought that the action would bring down his dignity when it did not. We must always remember that if we do not ask for directions, then we will get lost on the road. A stupid arrogant will not succeed. Ask a lot to get a lot of knowledge. Indeed, people who ask a lot are successful people in life.
B is a stupid arrogant math student. Many people thought he was good at math but he failed the subject in the final exam.
When you are mad at someone for game ending you fair and square in fortnite and decide to report him for stream sniping.
*A random fortnite streamer was eliminated from the game*
The random fortnite Streamer: Watch for the emo watch for the emo
NFL Skin: *Dances for one second*
The random fortnite Streamer: *Reports the NFL skin for stream sniping* What an idiot. How stupid can you be?
when your brain tells you things that aren't true
"my brain is saying that I'm worthless and will never be good enough for anyone..... It must be stupid brain."
As many or as few as the whore who fucked that retard. I've seen her doing homework there so I know she stole AT LEAST the amount of time it takes for her to do her homework. You have no reason to assume she went straight back to work after fucking the retard. And that's jist the company time! How much of MY time did SHE steal?
Hym "Stupid question. You motherfuckers are desperate to draw a parallel between something I did there and fucking a retard but you don't even consider whether or not she was doing all of the things I was doing AND fucking the retard AND trying to get me to follow rules that are rendered irrelevant by the fact that she's fucking the retard and doing all of the things I'm doing. Which is against the rules. Someone else tried to compare age to fat cock and/or the situation there recently. You're not good at drawing parallels. Stop trying to draw parallels. She wants to talk about if she was 20... If you were 20 you wouldn't even consider me. You can't control it but is does change. You want a relationship instead of scheduling yourself for a shift at my studio apartment to come fuck me and then leave and then still not have a relationship with me. That is preferable to having a relationship with you. That's a parallel. I'm good at drawing parallels. I deserve to keep drawing parallels. You do not. Maybe one day you'll be as good at drawing parallels as I am. But for now... You should work on that."