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You can take the boy out of the war

You can take the boy out of the war, but you can't take the war out of the boy.

In PTSD symptoms you see that you can take the boy out of the war but you can't take the war out of the boy.

by I, Wreckerrr November 8, 2018

may i take your hat sir

As one of the greatest philosophers of this generation, Patrick Star, uttered yet another magnificent phrase of wisdom. Growing up in a poor family, Mr. Star was forced to take on many low income jobs, where he must take hats in a dignified and sophisticated manner. The hat in this famous spoken poetry that Mr. Star would take from these men, actually was a symbol that he used to represent the struggle of diligent working men with large families and low income. Mr. Star is currently running for president in the United States presidential election 2016.

"You mean like a weenie? Ok! May I take your hat sir? May I take your HAT, sir? May I tak-"

by Patrick Star for president 201 March 25, 2016

Take (HIm/Her/Them) to Walnut Street!

the action of cold shouldering former friends or affiliates due to a non-amicable severance of ties. Usually acted out by adults of religious organizations and high school students.

1. I went to church this morning and got Taken to Walnut Street! Nobody talked to me all morning.
2. (girl 1) My boyfriend dumped me! (girl 2) If he comes crawling back, Take him to Walnut Street!
3. Several church members have left us due to differences of opinion with things going on within the organization, so if you see any of these people in day-to-day life, Take (Him/Her/Them) to Walnut Street!

by Billy Jean Snotmylover August 1, 2012

ben don't take l's

People by the name Benjamin, hasn't and will never take a L in their life.

Ben, took A big bet but he wasn't nervous because he remembered that

Ben don't take L's

by Be ji June 27, 2017

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Kick ass and take names

First used by Florynce Kennedy, black feminist and writer. Inspired feminists, black and white, with her motto β€œKick ass and take names”.

β€œWhat are we doing today?”
β€œToday, we’re going to kick ass and take names!”

by Black femme January 19, 2019

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Tuck-a-ho take-out

After anal sex, with feces on the dick, the guy uses the diarrhea as lube for insertion into the next anus!

Also know as "Sliding into Second".

I just fucked two asses in a row. I ran out of lube, but thankfully, I was able to use the "Tuck-a-ho take-out" to squeeze into the second hole.

by second base slut July 3, 2010

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taking the browns to church and filling up the pews

An alternative to taking the browns to the superbowl

Dude, I 'm going to be taking the browns to church and filling up the pews.

by Booderness June 22, 2017

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