Source Code

Immature Game

You Say A Word, Then The Person Who Laughs Is Immature

Joe:'Penis Pump'
TOm: hahahahah

Tom Is The Immautre one as he laughed!! Its A Fun Game (immature game)

by BUmHeADgrsfgf November 17, 2007

Telltale games

Used when you're faced with a hard decision to make and you have to choose no matter what

Person 1: Go to sleep or stay up doing nothing
Person 2: Oh no! Telltale games

by animu69 July 23, 2022

Late game

When a competitive game, that usually ends in early rounds, lasts longer than it should.

OK, let's go late game!

by DaviDDA April 22, 2017

late game

The act of getting a harnessed 0/0 Dart Monkey

lets go epic late game with the 0/0 darm monkey

by 0/0 dart monkey March 4, 2017

Freezer Game

A game in which any time you open the freezer, for any reason, at any time of the day, you have to take a belt off a bottle of booze in said freezer.

Even if you have to open it once to get a box out, and open it again to put the box back; that's two.

Originally intended to be played with Jaegermeister, to honor the memory of the game's late creator, Dusty.

I was a little drunk in class this today because I had to play the freezer game to get to my breakfast burritos.

by Beach guy January 27, 2017

_'s game

A phrase used to describe someone who is considered a 'real one' or a 'G' whilst also being down to earth and honest with everyone, basically the best of the best

P1: "you know who _ is?"
P2: "yeah, _'s game. _'s cool."

by Doingus January 26, 2022

game blame

an act in when parents will blame it on the game when something goes wrong with it

kid: mom! my (console name) wont read any of my disc!
mom: its because you've been playing it for to long!
kid: mom! the wi-fi keeps going out constantly for no reason!
mom: its because you've been playing it for too long!
kid: how is playing my games affecting the wi-fi?
mom proceeds to kill (game)

by someone else thats not u March 24, 2021