1/3 not K is another name for a 2 faced cunt flap that thinks the C.I.A. Or FBI is after them! Examples : not K To Be Honest, I think dude is a fed/snitch of some sort - not K for all you that chat around b, she's hanging around a federal informant on rizon.
2/3 One who backstabs everyone at some point.
3/3 Not able to use /ignore!
It's not K to be not K!
1/1 A 2 faced cunt flap (Posted by the "FEDS")
1/2 A Grown person unable to agree with anyone or admit when he is wrong & loves to talk about you behind your back to the point people message you. example : <b> 07:22:05 <@not K> for all you that chat around b} <b> 07:22:13 <@not K> she's hanging around a federal informant on r i z o n.
1/3 Unable to use the ignore command as someone might say something!
Hi, what's up everyone? Nothing much just listening to not K talk shit again.
1/3 not K is another name for a 2 faced cunt flap that thinks the C.I.A. Or FBI is after them! Examples : not K To Be Honest, I think dude is a fed/snitch of some sort - not K for all you that chat around b, she's hanging around a federal informant on rizon.
2/3 One who backstabs everyone at some point.
3/3 Not able to use / ignore!
It's not K to be not K!
1/1 A 2-faced cunt flap (Posted by the "FEDS")
1/2 A Grown person unable to agree with anyone or admit when he is wrong & loves to talk about you behind your back to the point people message you. example : <b> 07:22:05 <@not K> for all you that chat around b} <b> 07:22:13 <@not K> she's hanging around a federal informant on r i z o n.
1/3 Unable to use the ignore command as someone might say something!
Hi, how are you today? Oh, I am just listening to not K Ramble on about the same shit!
she's a basic white Karen she loves her "Reece pieces". She annoying and talk's to every county in the state of Georgia.
My brother told my sister that she is a Pushing K.
A groupchat full of teen idiots /lh
Person 1: "have you heard of k gc?"
Person 2: "yeah that groupchat full of idiots?"
Person 1 : "yes that one!"
K-Mari is an amazing, sweet guy. He is always nice. He makes sure that you are okay any day. He writes poem very well. Most of the boys and some girls are his friends which he is friendly. K-Mari will call himself a need and will always look out for you. Whether he like you or not. He is very handsome, cute and has an amazing personality. If he isn't bilingual, he knows some other language. He isn't too short or too tall. He is perfect. If you ever get an k-Mari to yourself. Be Happy.
K-Mari, you know very well.. you are very talented kid.