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hard cocos

When it’s Christmas but you’re from Florida so you mix hot coco and mike’s mikes hard lemonade

Bethany and Krystal brought hard cocos to the Delta Delta Delta winter social in a reused bag of wine, such Christmas spirit

by Spankcrank September 26, 2021

Hard Candy

Slang for Child Pornography.

I was on the dark web and found some hard candy, now I'm going to destroy my harddrive

by Shomlomdooblie April 3, 2023

Hard Dick

when your horny as hell

I currently have a "hard dick"

by 69420 cocks in my room March 21, 2022

hard lart

a difficult part of a task reserved for people who can’t spell/type

here comes the hard lart

by Blueberry pieface September 3, 2019

Going hard in the paint

When someone is going all in on something making it look effortless with or without intent.

1. Did you see Chad racking up those kill streaks on Call it duty 217? Dude was going hard in the paint.

2. JK Rowling is so effortlessly beautiful she goes hard in the paint against anyone.

3. Tom Brady is the greatest of all time, guy didn't even have to try -- he just goes hard in the paint no matter what.

by F-Face Kat February 9, 2023

Hard Carl

A member of the Hard ₵arls, the most elite crew of shuffle dancers. At Christmas, they're also known as the ₵hristmas ₵arls.

I saw the Hard Carls last night - them boys really know how to shuffle! Them Hard Carl boys really know how to shuffle!

by ₵arl October 17, 2021

Very hard bird-seed

A phrase used to describe:

i) something that is of very high standard, faultless, impeccable
ii) timing of an event or activity that turns out to be perfect, entirely appropriate, impeccable

The logic he applied to solve the murder was like very hard bird-seed, impeccable.

The timing of her arrival at the party was like very hard bird-seed, absolutely impeccable!

by Philo T. Dillo April 5, 2023