Tall young woman with long legs that can wrap around any man ;)
"I didn't have to worry about holding her up her spider legs wrapped around me worked just fine "
When one is on house arrest and has to wear an ankle monitor.
Yo, Courty got released from jail but he's on leg ban.
A slang term used to describe a cute, petite girl with succulent, defining curves. The phrase likens her slim yet shapely figure to crab legs—delicate and enticing, with just the right curves in all the right places.
Rick: I seen a fine ahh crab leg at the store. She was short, light skin, not too much body, thick in–
Vee: Ok, I get it. You like skinny girls. *Laughs*
A group (of usually 5 or 6 girls and boys below the age of 25) of fun, healthy people who are all very close, and enjoy kicking up a fuss and creating banter wherever they go, a little squad with lots of inside jokes and phrases.
(in conversation)
Person 1: "hey look over there, some healthy legs!"
Person 2: "wow! They're so cool!"
To lose one’s manhood when entering between a females knees who is nothing more than a good time sally, or for the embryo of egg fertilization not to survive more than a week after creation because the womb of the woman is not fit to bare children.
Graveyard legs defined:
Her: I really want to try to a child.
Me: (knowing she’s had 3 miscarriages and 2 abortions) alright graveyard knees, let’s get passt dinner, and we’ll talk about it.