Source Code

Maato-Kona Max-Kyne

An animal that feed on plants

Offering the meat to the Maato-Kona Max-Kyne did no good as it only ate plants.

by ☠️☠️ February 7, 2018

Intersexual Friendship Max/Ultra

The same thing as the last one except I have 1500 characters to explain it.

Iam "Ok... Where was I?... Oh! Two types of Intersexual Friendship Max/Ultra. Here we go. So you have 'Type A' right? Which is when the Female treats the Male as a type of proxy Female, see? And in this type of relationship the Female will do things with the male (or attempt to do things) that they would usually do with OTHER FEMALES, right? For example, they'll talk about their sexual relationships in great detail (Like mentioning the fact that the guy that they are cheating on their boyfriend with has a big dick while they look a developmentally disabled man-child in dead in the eyes OR request to use make-up on a Male). I don't think they realize what they are doing when they are doing it but THAT'S IT! They're treating the 'male platonic friend' as though they are a Female. They don't realize that this the type of thing they would only talk about with another FEMALE. They would never say anything like that to a Male they are trying to sleep with! Right!? So that's 'Type A'. Male is treated as a proxy female. 'Type B' (on the other hand) is where a Female is adopted as a proxy Male into group of males. But this can only exist within a group of males that are LARGELY SINGLE! Because once the Males of the group start to date, their partners don't want them hanging around other Females. Right!? So, Yeah..."

Hym "And then there is like 'Type C' which would be like the Mulder and Scully relationship from X-Files but that shit isn't real."

by Hym Iam April 20, 2022

Max 9c

Number fifteen I don't like him cuz he iz a big stinky pou and a big nonce!!!!!!!!! GG eZ XD

Wow hes a Max 9c

by M3Ga Faggot February 17, 2020


If a person cannot stop yapping about cisco protocols. The person is usually a nerd and also invested in linux.

He got 50 000 servers in his basement.

A: Bro do you want to drink and drive?
D: No, I cannot stop cisco-maxxing to these children.
A: Let me think about it

by Pi-tscha February 6, 2025

stressed to the max

More stressed than ever before

Person 1: Hey Sally what's wrong?
Person 2: Bobbie Jo I'm just stressed to the max!

by Poptart0612 May 4, 2016

《¤》Max 《¤》Payne《¤》3《¤》max《¤》payne《¤》3《¤》Max《¤》Payne《¤》3《¤》


😱: 《¤》Max 《¤》Payne《¤》3《¤》max《¤》payne《¤》3《¤》Max《¤》Payne《¤》3《¤》

by InterpersonalCommunication February 17, 2025

Max Byrne

A very attractive young rapper from the Chicago Suburbs and a local celeb. He gets a large amount of females and is known for his muscular appearance.

Omg its Max Byrne can I have a autograph

by The Magic Max May 28, 2015