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KomSoul Music

KomSoul referree simply as KomSoul Music, is the Haitian style of Soul music.
It combines elements of Kompa Evangelique (Haitian Gospe)l music, Voodoo jazz, Compas and Blues (C&B) also known as Creole Rhythm and Blues.

Typical instruments include:
Electric guitar bass guitar, piano, Hammond organ, drums, horn section, key board, clavinet, vocals, and Backing tracks

The only difference between the two genres are:
Soul music is sung mostly in English around the African-American communities in America while KomSoul music is sung by Haitian C&B and KomPassion Singers in their native French-Haitian Creole languages.

Mialder is a great KomSoul music singer, rapper anda phenomenon al Record producer at Negre Matron Records,

by Negre Marron Records September 30, 2018

Food stamp music

Music that is usually listened to by minority groups, especially black people. Usually some sort of trashy rap or pop music.

Guy 1: You like this new song; its from Gunna's new album
Guy 2: No, get turn that food stamp music off

by DIENUM May 12, 2024

Pussy music

Typical girly music where the artist is usually singing shitty cringey romance or dramas in a high pitch, typical tone a huge fag would scream with. Some examples of pussy music include Westlife's 'My love' and Ed Sheeran's 'Perfect'.

- Can you please play 'Set fire to the Rain'?
- Bro, you only listen to Pussy music!!

by Pichiriflu June 4, 2019

Music theory (left shank accidents based on abrasions for conspiracy theorists)

What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses.

Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Music theory (left shank accidents based on abrasions for conspiracy theorists)

by LeSouffleDeVersailles January 22, 2025

Musical poser

Someone who tries to make fun of all the people that made fun of them in songs.

The musical poser made songs about people who made fun of him/her growing up so that nobody would mess with the musical poser.

by Solid Mantis May 7, 2020

Music Concierge

A person who knows all the music venues in at least three cities.

Sophia can find a musician all of you will like, she's a music concierge.

by silverseal September 16, 2011

musical bureaucracies

Getting bounced from one bureaucracy to another to another ad nauseum, with not one of them actually helping you at all.

I wanted to get a free COVID-19 test done on me and was initially told that this one bureaucracy could do it. After I arrived over there, they told me they couldn't help me at all and that I had to go to this other department. After arriving at the second department, I was told that they couldn't help me as well and that my best bet was to just go to Walgreens or CVS. I just got done setting up an appointment with Walgreens. Hopefully, Walgreens can help me out. This whole game of musical bureaucracies totally sucks ass!

by bushnest November 8, 2023