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a place that believes education beyond books for a world what it looks

Navrachana University is known as one of the best place to study for higher education

by November 30, 2021

universal child care

When you are so broke, you allow ANY person to watch your child. Often at the behest of the State.

Luckily, My wife lined up some Universal Child Care from uncle Rick or else I would have missed golf today

by In the N October 12, 2022

Universal Child-Care

Oh wow! The woman thinks all of the tax dollars should go to WOMEN AND THE MEN THEY'RE FUCKING! That's where the tax dollars should go guys! To her. And then we pay for them to have periods. And then we pay them to not fuck us. And then we shut up and die. That's REAL compassion. That's what compassion looks like.

Hym "Oh, yeah, my money should go to women who don't fuck. That'd what equality looks like. That's called being equal. Everyone pays for you. You do whatever you want. And anyone who has a problem with it is silence and FORCED TO DO IT AGAINST THEIR WILL. Sounds familiar. Universal Child-care everybody."

by Hym Iam February 27, 2024

Steven Universe

A show about gay crystals and some kid with a rock shoved inside of him

Person 1 - "Hey have you seen Steven Universe? It's so cool!"

Person 2 - "Never speak to me again."

by Kevlar Vest December 20, 2021

Steven Universe

The world's most elaborate 'Your mom' joke

Person 1: Have you seen Steven Universe?
Person 2: Yeah I just got up to the episode about his mom
Person 1: You're gonna have to be more specific

by Porky Fish October 5, 2023

Steven Universe

Lesbian Space rocks

"Whats steven universe about?"
"Lesbian Space rocks"

by SUisGay September 29, 2022

Edge Hill University

A uni for people with severe social anxiety.

Friend from other Uni: why don’t you invite your flatmates to do stuff

Me: I can’t they go to Edge Hill University

by Giggatron5645 April 16, 2022