Source Code

charva town

a place where the best people go !!

“we’re off to charva town”

by alex is a sexy roadman September 23, 2023

Girls Town

a satisfying sexual encounter for a woman. However,whenever.

I took her to Girls Town last night,She's still passed out at my house.

by jigmaster82159 May 27, 2014

Pirate Town

A town inhabited by Pirates, usually near the ocean, that's purpose is to repair ships and meet up with fellow Pirates

Wow, that house looks like it's from a Pirate Town

by May 9, 2021

Chow Town

Going down on a lady.

Dude, took my lady down to Chow Town last night.

by Irish Tron September 28, 2020

Vagina town

A town that is well known for having lots of available Vaginas

Hey I’m going down to “vagina town” where my friend has bought lots of “ Yard Sale pussies”at budget

by CSucker September 6, 2023

Clowning around down town

When you go to eat the booty hole but she is on her monthly, resulting in a rednose clown experience.

I ended up clowning around down town lastnight with Stephanie and it wasn't the best experience, but it was something to laugh about.

by TeamRamRod14 February 19, 2021

Devil town

Devil Town is a reference to the horrors of life and how it doesn't get better and only worse. And the more different you look/act people will torment you about it and acceptance is inevitable.

"Devil Town is colder in the summertime. I lose my mind at least another thousand times"

by ♡Alex♡ November 16, 2023