“Ayoo! This prick getting in the way of your cunt maxing princess? ****mcdOnalDs noises****
Max Malcolm is the best person in the world , they’re perfect and they never fail to make somebody laugh. They have a huge sense of humour and would sacrifice their own needs just for their friends. They’re very pretty too < 3
Cyrus : Max Malcolm is one of the best people i’ve ever met! <3
A fuckin dime piece that is able to wow any person she meets with her savagery. Even her enemies can't help but fall in love with her. Pulls an "Amy" on everyone with her killer personality and decent a$$. Savagery always on point
Pressure Maxxing, the art of grasping one’s penis at the verge of climax to build up nut in the shaft the urethra gains potential energy causing a massive fookin shot.
I heard dave has been pressure maxxing recently.
Fuck yeah, dave knows the method
This is a maneuver where one lays atop a girl while shaping your body like a sphinx.
I sphinx maxed my girl at the bar and got called a rapist.
A very attractive young rapper from the Chicago Suburbs and a local celeb. He gets a large amount of females and is known for his muscular appearance.
Omg its Max Byrne can I have a autograph