Where a guy an a girl get butt to butt. The guy tucks his dick all the way back an inserts it into the female an begins to fuck
Bro a couple more inches an i totally would nailed the g tuck n fuck!!
Sheila and Michael.
We were having out one night he was etching something for me and I thought it was funny when I said it out loud. It stuck... I think.....?
Wow s n m was chillin like villains
The act of farting in a crowd of people and leaving immediately afterward
John: "What the hell is that smell?"
Tim: "It was Mike, he pulled an old Breeze N' Leave on us"
When your working your game on a fine honey for hours and your homeboy finger blast her in the next bed
Jay was working his game on a fine honey all night when rob swoop-n-blasted her in the next bed
I term usually said when preparing to execute something pretty awesome.
"I dare you to do a back flip from the diving board."
"Alright, man! ROCK N' ROLL!!"
A hoe n' go is a sudden act of sex performed by strangers who part ways afterwards.
It's like a bro n' go but with a male and female instead. But it doesn't have to be oral tho
Jones: Jimmy bruh, this bitch was crazy yesterday, buble but and shit
Jimmy: Which bitch bro?
Jones: *smiles*
Jimmy: Bro u got an hoe n' go tho?
Jones: *smiles dirty*
A girl that you can only fuck twice. She is a step higher than a one night stand but one step lower than relationship material.
Me and Jenny fucked last night for the second time but I think I'm gonna quit there because she's a total hoe n go.