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Red Tea

A phrase referring to having sex with your girlfriend while she's on her period

"Brooo we had the best red tea last night, we had to replace our brand new sheets dawg"

by cokercola... November 28, 2023

weed tea bag

when a man lathers his ball sack in Cannabis oil or other Cannabis infused edible substance and their partner licks or sucks it off.

The neighbour gave me a weed tea bag and it didn't work.

by Sduvvy August 9, 2023

british tea cup

someone who comes from britain and regularly drinks tea.

don't be such an british tea cup

by KetchupCake April 26, 2017

Rungajaun tea

Legendary tea from the finest tea estate in Assam, tastes amazing, has in-numerous health benefits. One of the best accompaniments for a cozy winter evening. It is the first choice of premium grade tea for the Indian millennials.

On a fine winter evening, Sunaina was sipping on hot Rungajaun Tea.
Ramesh loves to drink a cup of Rungajaun tea every morning.

by TeaLover01 November 25, 2021

toe tea

The action of dunking toes in tea and having someone slurp it off.

God Joe! I am so thirsty, i could really go for some toe tea.

by aids_boi October 31, 2019

Tea Negro

A tea negro/tea nigger was a term used by the Portuguese and British on Sri Lankan slaves as they were used in tea plantations and to differ them from Indians and African slaves.

tea negroes works in tea plantations in Sri Lanka

by blm2345673 November 18, 2022

mother lover of tea

love your mom and tea bagging

hi join mother lover of tea

by davethechicken17 October 15, 2021