Jake Cooper , a tall man , no a very tall man. A man who where he walks woman follow he looks like he takes steroids but don’t worry he’s el’ natural
OMG, look at that unit , he looks like a proper jake cooper
He is the best football player ever and is the smartest ever and very girl wants him
Jake Iminson is clever, cute, funny and smart. When he smiles you can’t help but smile back.
i Wish jake Iminson would ask me out!
Jake and Evie will get together on the 18th day of a month and will never leave eachothers side. Jake knows that he can be an idiot at times but he knows Evie will always be there to give him a slap
Jake and Evie are soulmates
Dirty privates, uncleansed genitals.
Man, that dude has a smelly jake.
Wow she needs to do something about that smelly Jake.
Clean your act up, including that smelly Jake.
Your pot stinks worse than a smelly Jake.
The most unfunny guy to ever walk to planet.
Oh here comes jake olsen, not this fucking guy.