Alan’s K is an organic hormone secretion that is produced by the U-gene, that tends to create orgasmic sensations in women.
Her sensations of pleasure are due to the level of Alan’s K she has in her body.
If you rub the Alan’s K hormone ointment on her, she tends to become stimulated in a wild way.
A Sarina girl is easily aroused with Alan’s K.
Sarina Kaye orgasam hormones arrousal scotts Balls Scots Scrotum Wiseguy’s Alan’s K aphrodisiac oysters testosterone Dick’s Hip Flap
a guy that gets his hbk and laughs his pain away
sorry ryann k your not my type still
When a person downloads Pokémon Go and becomes so obsessed playing it, the person neglects his work, social life and responsibilities.
Why didnt Ben come to his moms birthday party?
He is deep in a po-k-hole. The only way to get him out someplace is to tell him there is a Pokemon Gym nearby.
Zane K. is a very strong BIG individual that swears he has a six pack, but when you pull up his shirt all you see is a six pack of rolls.
Oh my! Look its a Zane K. wow i can smell his breathe all the way here!!
Oh wow! Its a Zane K... I hope he doesnt crush me with his man boobs!
(Noun) A person that gets suspended for having 18 bottles of liquor in their car at school.
Person 1: I have beer in my trunk
Person 2: Dont let Peggy know, or you'll be a K-marks