Very different to Malaysian/Singaporean/Chinese's "la" or "lah" which they use at the end of the sentence to sound more Asian/Chinese but Bhutanese use it to show respect to the other person, especially elder/higher people.
Dad: "Do you have any GF, son?"
Son: "No, la"
Dad: "Khai"
(Chinese Slang) La is a word which is a modal particle to express emotion in sentences and has no meaning.
"Ok, good luck, see you tomorrow, la"
好的 祝你好运,明天见啦” in Chinese.
She uses “啦” here shows she is quite happy when she says this sentence to you
french word for the (feminine)
I just ate la pomme de terre.
I just ate la potato.
Is short for Los Angeles which is located in California
I live in LA
I want to go to LA in the summer