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mega mind moment

when you have a thought idea or whatever usually happens when you verbalize said concept but it in attempting to be overly complex and smart like a big brain you just end up being stupid.

girl 1: wouldnโ€™t it be helpful if books had subtitles?
girl 2: girl is having a mega mind moment

girl 1: how is that..? oh-

by notallnerdsread100 March 21, 2022

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one piece moment

When a show degrades its self, characters, or story, to compare itself to a circus and subtract from it's seriousness.

I just walked into a circus. One Piece moment.

by Coolkidcoal January 13, 2023

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Landed on the Moon Moment

In reference to the 1996 classic Dumb and Dumber, in which Lloyd Christmas, Jim Carrey, sees the news clipping the the 1969 lunar landing. Christmas then says, "No way. We've landed on the moon!"
Used to describe a moment when a person is completely ignorant of a major event.

Rachel had a Landed on the moon moment when she discovered that best friend had had several children.

"Talk about a Landed on the Moon Moment, I had no idea the U.S. had Invaded Iraq"

by Alfanzo August 29, 2007

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LLG Moment

An LLG Moment short for Laude Lag Gaye Moment is widely used in India to define a bruh moment or a fucked up situation.

Damn, she sent her nude to her father instead of her daddy, total LLG moment for her

by fbi_openup February 17, 2021

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wine moment

A wine moment is the compelling urge to empty the bowel following the consumption of wine.

One bottle of wine could lead to a wine moment.

by SL1 October 14, 2007

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Manhattan Moment

In reference to one of the main characters of Watchmen, Dr. Manhattan, to relate to when you lose yourself in time from sometype of past memory. A photo, a purfume scent, a ringtone, all of these could possibly take you back to a moment that has already occured.

It's April 7th 2009, I'm writting this definition to 'Manhattan Moment' during a Manhattan Moment of my own.

by Ezzy Zalpz April 7, 2009

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Obama Moment

An alternate term to describe drone striking unarmed civilians.

"Oh my God, I can't believe they bombed that wedding with their drones!"

"Obama moment"

by Cynical Corgi January 25, 2022

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