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A person or a child who is cute, funny, and innocent. A way to describe someone lovingly who you cannot get over what they said, did, or just the way that they are because they are so darn cute! Must be said in a whiney-tone of voice. Nugggettt! Use it and people will follow your lead.

Friend: "What's a nugget?"
Me: "Don't know. Ask Felix he's a nugget. He knows."

by pewd1ep1e February 13, 2022


Used to define someone who has done or says something silly, funny.

"you nugget!"

"What do i think of jenkins? ..he's a nugget."

by allexander February 3, 2010


A person with no arms or legs

My child asked me what was wrong with this person in front of us. ..and i said "oh dont worry. Thats just a nugget..nothing to worry about"

by Boss ninja13 March 13, 2022


meaning nostalgia or good memories
don't use this word if you're a shitty scumbag
often used by stupid vaporwave マクドナルドでクールな子供

hell yeah dude, this brings me back to the good nuggets

by Hypergone September 8, 2016


A hot chick.

I hooked up with a hot nugget last night!

by E-Dog77 January 16, 2021


a nugget is food. it is made of chicken eyes, legs, beak, wings, livers, guts and Heart!!

"that nugget tastes like guts!"
"i wonder why"

by WARRIOR_CAT_PICS_6 November 6, 2016


Small buds of dispensary-quality marijuana perfect size for a one hit bowl.

Those are killler looking nuggets you got there, bro.

by greggy44 September 14, 2019