something/ someone that is cute in a baby way, not relationship way.
girl one about friends boyfriend: aweee, he's such a nugget
girlfriend: I know right !?
Nugget is God. Nugget is Lord. You will Obey The Nugget Sister Ebony, My Nugget Brother Nehemiah, And me, The God of Nugget Gods, Makiley. Disobey and Die. Obey and gifts of mercy will be given. Thank you for your time.
Hey keywon, bring yo goofy ass here. Have you seen Nugget makiley around here anywhere? Don't forget to worship him! Bye bitch. ~~~This was made by a Dickinson Person. The School.~~~
when somebody cuts their hair low to the point where they are almost bald but not entirely in most cases it is young black children. when someone sees a nugget most people would go up to them and smack the back of their head or grab their head
Dammmm ima smack the little kid nugget
A famous Youtube video showing what drug addiction is like.
Nuggets is a video that more people need to be.
A naughty nugget; a rude player.
You're cruzin' for a bruzin', nugget.
Australian slang for a a stocky or muscular man of Arab or Mediterranean descent. Who is usually between 5’2”-5’8”
Oy I was on the Campbelltown train and some nugget tried to rob me for my shoes, so I pushed that little cunt over.
a person who is ridiculous, satirical, and often made fun of.
The letter Mr. Collins wrote to the Bennets clearly exemplified him as an upmost nugget because of his excessive vocabulary and inappropriate comments.