Source Code

The Ass- Insults


by Bastardized Bottomburp May 7, 2003

36๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lion Ass

The newest way of stating that someone is lying. Also can be used as a "reverse psychology' to get someone to prove something.

John: The girl I went out with last night was so sexy.

James: Lion Ass!! You were out with your brother last night! I saw you!!


Carlos: I got a new tattoo!!!
Jeremy: Ooh, cool! Send a pic!
Carlos: Uhh, I cant.
Jeremy: Why not? Hmm, Lion ass!! you aint got no tattoo!!! Prove it!! Pics or lie!!

by w00t & M9 May 12, 2009

36๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

giving ass

The act of being voluntarily submissive, usually in a sexual context, but may also be used in a social or business context for being dominated.

Sexual: Among the things she is really good at is giving ass
Social: He's in there with the boss giving ass.

by Euripedes August 12, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

bust ass

To bust ass is to fart. BUT if used with a possesive, it means to work hard.
Also often used with a possessive and immediately followed by an infinitive

I just busted ass and it smells real bad.

You better be busting your ass if you want to finish the job on schedule.

I was busting my ass to finish my homework on time.

by suckondeez May 14, 2003

356๐Ÿ‘ 168๐Ÿ‘Ž

Open Ass

Used to describe an unpleasant smell

Jesus Christ! Take a shower! You smell like open ass!

by gina November 20, 2003

96๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

Slap Ass

In reference to baseball, to give the Slap Ass, one must lower the arm to waist height with the forearm slightly elevated. On the approach of another teammate from behind, the wrist is bent back slightly and a quick tap is given on the ass.

This act of sportsmanship and encouragement is given following either a good play, a play that was ruined, or for just plain pep.

The slap ass is limited too, but does not exclude, coaches of other sports, as well as other sports players.

NOTE: This is the ONLY instance in which another male may slap another male's ass, and not be considered gay by fellow teammates. On-lookers, fans, and friends are not subject to this requirement, and thus may consider you gay.

Friend 1: Man, did you just see that awesome web gem?
Friend 2: Yeah, he even got a slap ass afterwards.

Onlooker 1: Did you just see that guy give a slap ass to the other guy? I think they may be gay.
Onlooker 2: No, they aren't. They play baseball.
Onlooker 1: Ohhhhh.

by StevieE May 9, 2007

45๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

wall ass

when a person's buttocks, usually a female's, does not curve at all. the ass region looks more like an extension of the back with a crack in the middle to allow for waste production. this flat appearance resembles a wall of ass.

Oh man, I put my hands down that chick's pants and it was total wall ass for miles.

by americano May 26, 2003

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