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sticky wet cadet

A Human Being Who is Sticky Wet,
or just a beginner

CCC 1: "why did I climb trees all day, and listen to dark music for that many hours?"
CCC 2: "Your a sticky wet cadet son."

by JTO Man October 13, 2007

Tactical Wet Willy

Slightly moistening the end of a straw's paper, then blowing through the straw, launching the paper, and aiming for the victim's ear cannel.

My idiot brother gave me a Tactical Wet Willy at the restaurant.

by Jakestastyballs December 29, 2020

Wet onslaught preparation

Where you have a brutal, disgusting shit and you roll your sleeves up to prepare for the coming storm...

John:"Awh man i just had a horrible shit."

Timmy:"Did you have to have a wet onslaught preparation?"

John:"Thank god i did..."

by King Of Poop November 9, 2011

Wet basement mudslide

The act of shitting your pants while sitting then sliding out of your current position like you’re going down a slide.

Man I was so lazy Sunday afternoon. I had to go to the bathroom, but instead of going I just sat on my couch and gave myself a Wet Basement MudSlide.

Wet basement mudslide meaning: shitting yourself while sitting and sliding out of your position as if you were on a slide.

by Soup kitchen bros August 27, 2022

Mexican Wet Willy

When you finger someone after eating spicy food with your hands.

“Damn, Adam gave me a Mexican Wet Willy last night after we ate mango habanero wings. I had to douche with ranch to cool down.”

by SaraMrk June 26, 2021

Mexican Wet Willy

The act of giving a regular wet willy but instead of saliva, you stick your finger up your nose and then in the victim's ear.

Wow! Frank just gave Cassie a Mexican wet willy... He's been sick all week.

by Aaron The Terrible March 22, 2018

get the tip wet

Let’s fuck

Get the tip wet then we can talk

by Jdjcucucjcjchcjcjchvhvuvuv June 26, 2023