When your piss stream splits into 2.
Dude I was banging this chick all night and i went to go piss and i had a snake fang.
To add in a small specific detail in order to make your lie seem more convincing
"fake the snake, it makes people trust you "
A penis, typically found in its natural environment - shriveled in the cold. But beware, when warmed up and activated, they have the ability to financially cripple you.
Fucksake Ryan, ever since you let your girlfriend near your wrinkle-snake last winter, your social life has really gone to the shitter.
Laying down a nice smooth fart as you’re walking so that the smell slithers and lingers in air much like a fart snake.
Walking through Walmart on a Tuesday.
Joe Bloe: hey I swear I can smell the snake that lady squeezed out as she walked by with her cart.
Joseph blow: yeah dude I bet she did lay a snake as she walked by not giving a fuck
If you have basic knowledge, snakes smell with there toung.
Dorian: Look at that girl over there .
Alex: She has nice ass, if I were with her, I'd be smelling like a snake.
“Snake in a turtleneck sweater” refers to the penis of a person who has not been circumcised.
Usually a term used in England during the 80’s.
“I love English men and their snake in a turtleneck sweater.”
Snake tip is a disease in which the prostate has two protrusions that fork out like a snakes tongue