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Urban Dictionary Quality Control

(N.) The control Center for this website where new definitions are decided wheteher they enter in, and where other definitions are decided whether to be deleted or not. Who knows who it's run by.

Because of the Urban Dictionary Quality Control, most of my words don't make it the next day, or get deleted.

by G-Union December 3, 2003

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Why does this dictionary exist?

A question that is going to be left unanswered...

Why does this dictionary exist?

by Other Tony Stark November 23, 2019

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The Urban Dictionary Volunteer editors

The fuckers who deny every word you to try to submit to urban dictionary.

Bob: So I tried to submit a word to urban dictionary today, but The Urban Dictionary Volunteer Editors got to it.

by SirNickParks February 17, 2015

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urban dictionary dot com

A website that lists the meanings for modern day terms as defined by every-day people. Unfortunately, quite a few of these people are unintelligible, narrow-minded and/or foolish. Because of this fact, one who wishes to find an accurate definition of a term they’ve heard is left with the problem of sorting through all of their nonsensical garbage before they can find an accurate piece of information.
However, there are others who submit very precise definitions that are easy to understand and superbly written. These people make up for all the useless trash that clogs the listings, and are much appreciated by the website’s many visitors.

Person A: What is a 'tard'?
Person B: I'm not entirely sure. Perhaps urban dictionary dot com will have it's definition. They have a lot of modern day terms and their meanings listed there.
Person A: Oh, I don't think so. Anyone can submit information to that site. You never know what's right and what's wrong...
Person B: It's worth a try. The writer could be a genius or a fool, but it's a gamble worth taking in the end.

by Jyros August 3, 2006

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Urban Dictionary Definition Edit

Resubmitting a word copying and pasting the definition and then correcting it's grammar.

Bill: I care bare read this entry for booty.
Ted: Just do an Urban Dictionary Definition Edit for it.
Bill: How? I still don't know what this person means!

by imthatawesome October 26, 2012

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fuck u urban dictionary

the urban dictionary is pure shit. fuck all who read this shit u son of bitch

i fucked like fuck u urban dictionary

by fuck u urban dictionary April 10, 2017

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Urban Dictionary drinking game

Each time you see a definition containing the word "AMAZING",you take a drink. Game usually over in 10 minutes. NOTE: Game can be modified by changing key-word to awesome,fag,swag,<3 or any other word commonly used by the pre-teen set.

The missus and I got bombed playing the Urban Dictionary Drinking Game.

by wolfbait51 March 30, 2011

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