the tiniest boy in the world with a heart full of love and the softest smile
"cookie is the tiniest boy ever"
"i love cookie, especially his soft smile"
"cookies heart is full of so much love, hes so sweet"
Smol babie omfg.
She may be fun sized but she won’t hesitate to bark @ u no cap.
#1 kun enthusiast
Cookie best girl periodt!!
Take care of your kids cookie smh
Lol just added this for no reason
Follow kyatheperson on instagram
Also cookie is a food and yummy
A shy but kind person. She loves to read and finds the dumest things funny. She is also extremely sexy and has a big ass. When she falls in love she falls in love deep. Also a ginger with long hair. The man that loves her will not be able to keep his hands off her.
Dam, that Girl is such a Cookie.
Dam cookie is so sexy, I love her!!
the most delicious mom to tell your mom when she dies sadly
“mom i want cookies.”
“die mum.”