it's when you 2 old to do the 1 on 1 action involved in da 1-12.
Grandpa died so now grandma don't do da 1-12 she gotta do da 2-11 until she get a man wit viagra.
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This phrase can describe a person place or thing in great detail... can use as in any everday conversation...
THAT GIRL IS FINNER then da law allow... OR ITS COLDER then da law allow... IM SLEEPIER then da law allow... HE'S DRUNKER then da law allow...
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silent but deadly fart from the ass of an obese black woman
Lawdy lawdy, Miss Scarlet, ah dun know nuthin bout birthin no babies, but ah does know y'all best open da winda cause I jest squeezed out one dem phantom uh da oprah an...........whoooo wheee, dat smell mo dan when ma ol' man come home aw liquored up lass friday night an shit in da bed.
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Whatever my friend Brooke-izzle says
Me: where are we going?
Brooke-izzle: Your house cuz its off da heezy
Chels: your mom!
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I'm your mum's dad Friendly Joke
(Scottish slang)
Jimmy : what's your name?
Bobby: Am yer maws da
The sport of shouting out loud the words "jabba-da-widi-wonga" upon seeing a obese or fat person, commonly used in public areas and is a reference to jabba the hut from star wars
*sees fat person* "JABBA-DA-WIDI-WONGA!" *carry on as normal*
A term used to describe a chaotic, but beautiful masterpiece of a movie.
Wow what a good movie! Its Da Random Hot Movie!