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rubber donkey

When you put a condom on a donkey then you fuck it

Elle really wanted to rubber donkey on Christmas Eve

by Bigdirtyhairysancez666 September 5, 2015

Golden Donkey

The opposite of aa catfish. Better than their profile led to believe. Ass of gold.

The guy I matches with on Tinder was a total golden donkey.

by Stumpy & Friends March 4, 2023

factual donkey

A smart donkey

Omg! You are so smart, like a factual donkey.

by Factual donkey April 11, 2024

Donkey Tail

when you pull the toilet paper roll out (with out ripping it off the roll), wipe, and leave the soiled toilet paper hanging from the receptacle.

Dude, you left a nasty donkey tail.

by Ndddiej51cvrgf sdfndfgnsdthser December 17, 2018

stinky donkey

When a dude stuffs both of his nuts in a females ass while he holds her legs straight up in front of him and fuck the gap between her legs

Bryan’s nuts have doo doo bitter on them because he gave that chick the stinky donkey

by Thedemigod207 March 1, 2018

1👍 1👎

Duke Donkey

A Charlie horse received via kick.

Josh got a duke donkey in the party last night.

by HOMERO89 February 11, 2021


A stiff cock.

Ran into Mindy last night, gave her the Donkey-arm

by Donkey arm - A stiff cock December 19, 2014