When you're so utterly lost in your mind you can't escape
I can't see, I can only think, I'm feeling so cagent(last emotion from blue channel).
Some random meme I saw on reddit
Never safe from waluigi
Exploring the Role of Exosomal non-coding RNA from Precancerous Polyps Progression to Colorectal Cancer Tumorigenesis via Metabolic Reprogramming
Exploring the Role of Exosomal non-coding RNA from Precancerous Polyps Progression to Colorectal Cancer Tumorigenesis via Metabolic Reprogramming
When the last thing you did before food prep was scratch your nuts furiously.
He brags about cooking from scratch but I wonder what he scratched.
it means “fake prom”. you might see it during corona season when people have their own “proms” since prom was cancelled at many schools
someone’s insta caption: “happy from!”
Where you fuck a chick while shes on her period and slide your bloody hand her stomach
You know what carol being a bith ima give her the north Carolina slippin slide from hell
Billy is a bitch from happy wheels. Oh and did I mention he is a bitch!
Jacksepticeye: billy is such a bitch
Billy: no I’m not!
Jacksepticeye: yes you are bitch
Billy from happy wheels