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free when being used as a slang means to let go off.

“free that girl” basically: let her go or forget about her
“he’s not gonna free it, he keeps talking about it” basically: he’s not letting it go and he keeps talking about it

by abbreviations-hub March 21, 2023


A blowjob

"Shit, I'll do that for free"
"Shit, I'll do that for a blowjob"

by Jiggy Swagfest January 31, 2021


Free is used as an "Urban Alternative" for R.I.P. The word free is mostly used when communicating digitally.

Friend 1: When I was making cereal this morning, I spilled the milk all over myself.
Friend 2: Free

by Sebsa February 17, 2021

Free Asian

Slang term common amongst experimentaltrap metal” artist meaning “federal agent”.

“So are you selling me this marijuana or not?”
ah hell nah you on some free asian shit. get the fuck out my whip”

by Akazit June 4, 2024

Freeing Slaves

taking a shit and multiple turds come out

Guy 1: "Hey man, where's Brad at?
Guy 2: "He'll be here, he's in the bathroom freeing slaves."

by mcdiggles95 September 27, 2023

free r kelly

a phrase people say when a person wants to express his opinion which involves the rapper R kelly leaving jail

Mike: “what’s your opinion on the R kelly case?”

john:”man free R kelly he did nothing wrong”

by z2spring August 1, 2023

6👍 2👎

free range porn

Porn magazines found at the side of the road, usually tossed :-) from car or truck windows and found lying in the grass.

Hey, was out walking today, came across a bunch of free range porn.

by Dajster April 8, 2016