Etiquette of Modern Day Love Making. Titty Proprietybreast ownership comes about when a male lover or sexual partner proclaims the female sexual partner's breasts as his own, maybe forever or as long as the session lasts. Often the female partner will, as a maneuver to enhance the male arousal complex, tell the male that her breasts are his, only his, or some other foreplay dialogue nonsense to stimulate the heat of the moment. She may really intend for her words to be true....or not. And he may have the same notion. Afterall, we live in the Age of 2000+ when we were promised to all be driving flying cars, or pigs.
Steven, these titties are yours!!!!! Yours only!!!! You have Titty Propriety!!!!!
Darlin', Daniella, please let me have the reign of titty propriety, I will sell your milk to no one but me!!!!
Oh, Jenna, Oh, Frank, whoops! They just fell out! Will you take my titties and make them yours and yours only? Oh, my love, keep them from forever falling out the way that they do?
A nickname for a fat male, usually a friend and or relative , might call themselves this
“Heyyy titty boy, how you been” a greeting to the large fellow
Where you lactate fecal materials from nipples.
Sharron had nice dookie titties. I want to suck the shit out of them.
Having Vin Diesel's humongasaurus man-titties.
Daym, look at those vin titties about to rip open his shirt.
The past tense of titties, usually used after one has gotten top surgery.
"Yeah no I tittied for a bit, but I'm doing better now"
“Yes I am planning to get tittied”