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An energy drink consisting of Red Bull and Uni Vera, experia concentrate (a health supplement drink). First invented at an office in Bergen County, NJ. Name derived from the popular drink, "Jagerbomb".

Jen: Hey, I'm really tired and feeling sluggish.
Bill: Me too. Let's have Ed mix us up some uni-bombs.
Ed: I'm down with that. Let's whack down some uni-bombs and go into a berry induced rage.
Chris: Last night I gave Kentucky Knobs to the entire Rugby team and I am really tired, give me a uni-bomb too.

by Mill Bore July 11, 2008

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dropping the bombs

Dropping the bombs, is the act of stuffing one's testicles into any opening. In its most classic sense it refers to the stuffing of the testes into a vagina or rectum. The phrase however is not limited to the physical act of stuffing one's nuts into an opening, but can also used as a derrogatory statement referring to any person, place, or thing.

1)Get ready, I am dropping the bombs on you bitch!!2)Oh shit, we shouldnt have dropped the bombs, my nuts are stuck in your snatch.3)I want Bush to lick the shit of my bombed balls. (Past tense, referring to the shit on the genitals that have just been bombed. Also refering to the act of cleaning the bombed balls.) 4)I want to drop the bombs on Hillary Clinton, that bitch is tight. 5)China drops the bombs on human rights.

by DEETCEET September 11, 2007

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dirty bomb

A fart which is expected to be loud, deadly, and stinky. While it is all of those, along with it comes a surprise turd.

I was planning to stink up the class, but instead dropped a dirty bomb and ended up in the bathroom for 2 hours

by pigsaregod November 10, 2010

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gooch bomb

The bomb inserted into a females vagina at birth to prevent pre marital sex, issued by the catholic church, if the female engages in sexual intercourse the "gooch bomb" will explode incenerating both female and partner.

"NO jimmy we cant do it or my gooch bomb will go off and we will die"

by distortin November 10, 2007

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stealth bomb

when you go up to someone sleeping and drop a dingleberry on their face and walk away

I dropped the dirty stealth bomb on this guy at this party while he was sleeping

by BlackGuyMcgee August 2, 2011

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Similar to the f-bomb, but when you get so damn pissed you use as many cuss words you can think of, in as many spaces left in the sentence physically possible. A delicate and imperssive art. Alpha-bomb battles are the best to listen to (:

Daniel: Damn man, Fran dropped the whole alpha-bomb on me last night.
Tom: What'd she say?
Daniel: Something like, "Fuck you fucking fucker! Go fucking fuck your fucked up fucking mom! Don't ever fucking fuck up my fucking life a-fucking-gain, fuckface! Now fucking get the fuck out of my motherfucking house, which you've fucking already fucked up al-fucking-ready! FUCKER!"
Tom: Damn. Harsh.

by uniPORN February 8, 2009

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An alcholic drink created by mixing Soho and 7-up.

"Yo, this drink is LIVEEEEE!! What's in it?"
"Nigga, that's Soho and 7-up, that shit's the BA-BOMBBBB!!!"

by Nikedas February 12, 2009

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