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Jill Valentine and Feng Min from Dead by Daylight

This is used in a sentence by just calling these two specific survivors "retards" because of how little brain cells they have in their brains.

by UR MOM GAY 69 June 17, 2023


Goofy Nigga

That goofy clown nigga is retarded

by December 17, 2022


the phrase retard actually means mentally unstable, it is also very offensive to some people. it is reffered to as the r slur to say it safely. Make sure youre kind to others and dont call people this very offensive word

wei yang you retards piece of poopoo

by notxiaowei March 4, 2022


someone who defines names on urban dictionary

retard: im gonna define the name of my crush on urban dictionary
sigma male: kill yourself you nigger retard faggot

by king_jumpy360 February 11, 2023


The term "retard" can be used for those who make you feel like you would rather perform a perfect re-creation of "1 man 1 jar" instead of allowing your braincells to commit suicide one by one by their own stupidity.

Colton is a retard.

by TheRetardProfessor October 13, 2024


someone that is about to jump off a cliff in west bay at the beach.

that guy up there is a retard

by hugemong69 April 14, 2021


You just made a situation even worse......

- Man give me that awp, I can let you win this round.
- Yes(stairing at that guy and do nothing).
- You're retarded.
And that guy can't win this round now.

by RealName1951 January 6, 2024