Source Code


If someday was today….
In your arms I would be
Warm and melting

Hearing you say you love me.
In my eyes you would see
All I have tried telling
Finally, our love is free!!!

Someday WILL be today…
For this I pray everyday!!!
I can’t wait to love you in every way ❤️

I LOVE U !!!

by Smiles for you❤️😘 May 7, 2023

28👍 38👎


Unexpected Emergency Dump. Usually the kind that happens when you are about to leave or when you are when you do not have a lot of time.

Angry Step Dad: Where's Ross? If he isn't ready i swear I'm leaving him this time!

Child one: IDK

(10 minutes later)

Child two: Sorry, I had a UED.

by sxy AZN March 11, 2010

4👍 7👎

\ U /

Emoticon for the "suck it" motion.

by Anonymous August 20, 2003

6👍 14👎

No, u!

Powerful prompt sneer response when someone says something offending to you.

Dankenstein: Did you change the baby's diapers today?
Dimsy: No, u!

by Fekkry March 12, 2016

7👍 18👎

no u

Unfunny, dead joke.

Person 1: "You're a fucking idiot, bud."
Person 2: "No u"
Person 1: "Seriously? Are you still on that?"

by MouthWideOpen July 2, 2019

2👍 3👎


:U = IDK
-: = 2k12 smiley face

;- = 2k12 Smiley face with a wink

Sara with no H "Why are you Laughing"

Edbin :U

by Eddie Broadway October 29, 2011

11👍 38👎


When some tries to insult you

Insulter:Yo mom gay
You:"NO U"

by PorneliusHubert April 17, 2018

1👍 1👎