Source Code


An upside down cross and a generic symbol that means a combination of "heavy metal" and "good". Very similar to word\m//word

Bob: I just got the new Iron Maiden album!
Joe: -I-

by Omniverse March 29, 2003

22👍 39👎


Internet Expert Douchebag

a person or persons who transcribe text to depict themselves as having superior knowledge on a subject than anyone else.

Very common in sporting topics for complete nobodies to claim to have more inside and expert knowledge/advice than the coaches and athletes themselves.

They typically are quick to attack others who disagree with their opinions by claiming that person to be uneducated on the topic or matter of discussion.

They need to die.

person 1 - "the team shouldn't trade him. He is an valuable asset and the team has the funds to retain him. He is the reason they win. All the so called fans that hate on him clearly know nothing about the game and shouldn't jump ship so easily"

person 2 - "I disagree his stats clearly show he wasn't that great plus he spat on an official. Its good they got rid of him"

person 1 - "you clearly no nothing and need to actually watch a game. So uneducated"

person 2 - "lookout! IED detected"

by mikedee23 January 2, 2014

7👍 11👎

i spiili i

a famous runescape pker with 60 attack and 99 strength. he belongs to the clan mayhem makers

... i spiili i -.- i don't know if an example exists for such a definition :/

by itachi san1 November 5, 2007

13👍 4👎


Saw you today ❤️❤️❤️
Buddy left early, but I looked through a window!!!
I love you!!!
Someone wanted me to tell you 😊 thank you..
Do you know who?
I will give you some time to think 🤔

You know there is music playing in my head…

So play jeopardy music…. Do do do do do do do do do do….
The squirrel 🐿️

You let him cross the road ❤️
Love you… and have a great day 😘

by YOU will NEVER leave my ❤️! I❤️u March 2, 2023

7👍 16👎


I love you!!!

That will never change… ever!
I don’t understand why we are here and not happy land,
But I forgive you
You do what you need to for you to live your happiest life!!

That has always been what I wanted… for you to be happy!!

I mean this with sincerity!
Of course, I want to be by your side… but if that doesn’t happen, I understand… I won’t even send the yelping cats to your door.

Love you always!

by YOU will NEVER leave my ❤️! I❤️u March 5, 2023

10👍 15👎


Did you hear?
Another idea I had…
I was going to spread positivity
But the guy in the corner,
Chuckled again…
And said no…
I really need to learn not to tell him.
I had a sign and crackers
And I was still told no…

I probably should have given some to him…
Next time
This one was a really good idea…
Super cute:)
I love you!!!
I do hope you know that!!!
How about some crackers ❤️❤️❤️

by 4-u October 3, 2023

7👍 15👎


Well, my post did not post…
The eatery is closed for a bit now too…
One of these days, one of these ideas…
Is going to come through:)

I just had a thought…
What if, my little ideas fail…
In order for the best one…
To be unveiled:)

Broken record time…
What do I want to see…
Your eyes… you know me:)
And of course those arms…
Just the thought…
And my body warms!!!

I love YOU!!!!

by 4-u October 5, 2023

6👍 15👎