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Sharp Cheddar Dressed Man Burger

A burger that comes with sharp cheddar cheese.

"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the Sharp Cheddar Dressed Man Burger... it comes with sharp cheddar!"

by America Lover πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ November 13, 2018

54πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

a box full of sharp objects

A box, usually constructed from cardboard and clag glue containing an arsenal of sharp objects.
such as.
Glass, razorblades, pins, needles, sticks, swords...

*A box of sharp objects... what a beautiful thing

*Hey Max, let us go and get a box full of sharp ojects together!

*"Do you think Mother would mind if I brought a box full of sharp objects?"

by AgonysroarXcore August 20, 2006

11πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

Dank Sharp

A pot head or person who smokes a lot of weed

Yo my boy Dan here is Dank Sharp

by Hartferd August 9, 2010

sharp bugla

An arrogant musician that lives in "Molesto" California.

He is better at playing music than you and you know it

by Teh Benjuturtle April 20, 2003

George Sharp

A boy who is pretty strange and loves and is obsessed with a girl called Emily Rogers.

"Wheres george sharp?"
"Talking to emily"
"Of Course he is"

by ThatRandomGu April 28, 2022


(verb) To mark the thigh of a woman during oral sex with a small mark or symbol using an indelible marker. Commonly done where the woman cannot easily see herself and meant to warn future partners that the woman has been "sharped" before.

Guy 1 "I was sharping that one chick, and I noticed your brand."
Guy 2 "Yeah, I went down on her. It looked like Jimmy and four other guys sharped her in the last few months too. Total skeez."
Guy 1 "Whore."

by JohnsMom February 6, 2011

sharps container

a greedy vagina that has had more than one penis inside of it

"That girl vagina was like a sharps container. I'm never going back in that one."

by Vita Smart July 18, 2022