When you are beyond savage to a person of inferior intellect, usually in front of a crowd or television audience.
Synonyms: Savage, Ferocious, Vicious, Brutal
Antonyms: Tame, Civilized, Humane
Did you see Stephen Miller on CNN? Jake was Tapper AF! Miller must be so embarrassed!
Sally lied to my manager to get me in trouble. I'm going Tapper AF on Sally!
/'krismehs ahs fuhck/
To be abnormally festive during the Christmas season.
Charlie sets up Christmas decorations on his roof.
Ralph: Why are you putting up lights? It's November 28th.
Charlie: Shut tf up, Ralph, I'm Christmas AF!!!
Alternatively 'Pregnant APh' (the Ph gettoises the idiom & adds an extra punch - see 'Phat as Phuc')
1. Full, loaded, or overflowing with meaning and/or innuendo.
2. Literal: very pregnant
Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' c.1599-1602 Act 2 Scene 2, Polonius' aside as Hamlet dons his "antic disposition", pretending to be mad to throw Claudius off the scent of his revenge & generally cause havoc: "How *pregnant* sometimes his replies are - a happiness that often madness hits on, which reason and sanity could not be so prosperously delivered of."
Dude, she likes you; her emojis in those texts to you are Pregnant AF. In Japanese haiku, each word is Pregnant AF. When she bloats up from abusing junk food, she looks Pregnant AF.
Afternoon caffeine. That little extra something that gets you over the "2:30 feel."
"Hey bro, let's crush some af caf"
A Lube that makes your bike faster than Usain Bolt riding a Cheetah. Don’t believe us, go and look it up yourself!
"Jeeez is that Usain Bolt riding a Cheetah?" Na that's just how fast Ludicrous AF lube really is!
TOO pussy.
“ so, you put yo hands on her for no reason? Cause YOU mad? You pie af bruh “