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john Allen

Very annoying (normie) scum, often found stalking the internet in search of normie memes and lad bible posts. Also is often found using many (XD)’s to things that are not particularly funny or ironic.

β€œOh look at that john Allen sending normie memes in the group chat again”

by Oops_i_did_it_again November 7, 2017

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Allen Central

A high school in Eastern Kentucky, with a student body count of about 350+.
Filled with racist, Hitler-idolizing, hillbilly faggots, and illiterate, 12th grade basketball stars with a 1st grade reading level,
attending this school is equivalent to spending 4 years of your life on stage in front of millions of 2 year olds in a Dorothy the Dinosour costume.
Most drop out.
Nearly every alumni student of Allen Central graduates thinking they will major in pharmacy once they get into college.
Most drop out of college.

I go to Allen Central, so chances are, I'll never make it in the real world after I graduate.

by anherotaylor August 12, 2007

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harriet allen

a girl who"likes" her "curry" and LOVES the 69 position

harriet allen got.......in a curry house

by anon January 22, 2004

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Jeff Allened

To change the name of a person in your phone to something that your significant other wont recognize as your "booty-call"

He put Staceys name in the phone as Little sister and totally Jeff Allened his girl friend

by DanielleSchepler April 16, 2009

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Imon Allen

Imon Allen is a porn star who is famous for felching jizz from donkey rectums.

Can be used as a proper noun or as a verb used to describe felching of any sort.

Damn! That girl Imon Allen'd that other chick, tight on camera.

by persianblaster November 5, 2009

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Edgar Allen's

Police. A clever variation on Edgar Allen Poe and Po-Po's.

Here come the Edgar Allen's!

by Ian S... May 29, 2006

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Maxime Allen

Max is a great guy. He pretends to be sweet and care but he just wants to smash. He will say he is done being a fuckboy, but then he fucks all the girls at a party. He claims his large penis is 22 cm. He is also a fake Canadian, Belgian and British citizen. He has OCD and will not go to sleep until there is not a single speck of dust or Kleenex with lotion residue. His hair has to look perfect every time he checks his reflection in the phone and takes longer to get ready than all the girls combined. He is a daily pornhub user and browses the gay category frequently, hence why he has got an earring (that he cried while getting).
Finally, everyone loves Max! Especially his mum and cats!

Wow, look at that guy's big dick! He must be a Maxime Allen !

Maxime Allen just entered the room... Girls, jump on him!

Yo, Maxime Allen, help me clean my room!

by boobcak December 4, 2018