Anthony is an amazing person. He can make you smile even when you're feeling down, or you want to die. He is always smiling, even when he's in pain. Anthony is so sweet and an amazing boyfriend. But, if has a girl best friend, have fun trying to be his girlfriend, she'll get jealous and flirt with him to make you leave.
Girl 1: Anthony is sooo cute
Girl 2: but Caddence is his best friend
Girl 1: nevermind. Anthony is basically taken.
He's gay. (Interchangable with Antony and other spellings)
Person 1: Anthony is gay
Person 2: yeah
Anthony : I'm not gay ReeeeeEWzE I've been with woMEN REEEEeeE
A shit human that will never text or call when dating them , they always take and never give back . When being friends with this person they start to become more fake and prude , while dating them they’ll make it there best to steal and take everything and your heart with them and they have small dicks and can’t even grab ass or boob right, they constantly fail no matter what . That’s how big of an ass hole they be .
Person: Hey Anthony can we talk
Anthony : I don’t do texting
(Perseus to break up with u OVER text)
A guy who loves inside jokes but definitely has small hands but knows how to use them.
Hey Anthony how are you today?
I'm great! Have a great day
A dude who grows out long curly hair during college and decides to buzz it off in a ceremonial way to celebrate his new corporate life at Bank of America. Has may have an uncanny resemblance to the character ‘Mordecai’ from Regular Show. If provoked, he might say “this shit is a sonic movie!” After no one responds to his jokes, he will usually slip and fall with a banana peel slip sound playing in the background. A true enigma.
“Dude, you’re working at BofA? What happened to your long hair! Dude *hm hm hm* your being such an Anthony “wooooooooooaaaahhhhhhhhh!!”